Editing Services
If you’re visiting my site looking for editing, writing coach, or teaching services, you’ve found the right place! I can’t tell you how much I love sharing with others the skills I’ve developed over the past decade of studying writing craft. I work hard to communicate clearly, kindly, and with candor, helping the writers I work with to improve and deepen their understanding of writing and novel construction. I’m open to working with you on your specific needs, but to start, I offer a few options:
Query, two passes
Synopsis, one pass
Submission Package (query, synopsis, & first three chapters of manuscript) - please contact me for a quote
Writing Analysis:
I’ll read 30 pages of your work and do close in line comments. If you have specific questions or worries about your work (such as writing emotion), I’ll be happy to tailor my comments to your needs.
Plot Consultation:
I’ll read any notes you have on your manuscript–synopsis, pitch, plot, character arc, etc. We’ll schedule a time to talk to discuss your novel and the direction you might want to go to feel confident in completing or revising your manuscript.
Manuscript Analysis / Editorial Assessment:
I’ll read your entire manuscript and will provide a reader report including feedback on overarching structure and craft elements such as theme, characters and arc, plot, pacing, and more. This does not include in-line notes.
Teaching Are you interested in having me teach a class for a group of writers? Please get in touch so we can discuss pricing! Here are some examples of classes I’ve taught in the past:
Character Based Plotting
Writing About Place
Enhancing Descriptions
The Importance of Theme
NaNoWriMo Prep Class
Please get in touch via my contact page for my up-to-date pricing schedule for editing service.
“Juliana Brandt is a brilliant writer and editor. I’m a literary agent, and she still teaches me things about craft every time we talk.”
“Juliana’s editing skills were exactly what my book needed to tie it all together. I easily saved hundreds of hours of stumbling about with her help. Critique partners and readers are great, but there’s nothing like the work of a true editor.”
“Juliana’s editorial insights are fantastic; she never fails to leave my manuscripts stronger than when I started.”
“I’ve just had a crash course MFA in creative writing… what a bargain!”